18 February 2009

[how could you be so] heartless

guess what i stumbled upon today!
the fray covered the song, "heartless," by kanye west. it sounds so much better when they sing it haha..
check it out!!
enjoy (:


jsummica said...
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jsummica said...

[previous one came out weird]

interesting artistic choices in the original music video, but i have to say the cover is quite good, as covers go :)

i have had a recent epiphany. it's not altogether related, but whatever:
although it seems that most of the weird "music videos" out there (of people doing their own homemade version of a music video to some artist's song) are done by girls, the ones that are usually much more entertaining are those perpetrated by males.

acornmoose said...

haha, such as?
or are you referring to the one you posted for 3OH!3 - don't trust me? because that one was pretty weird/very entertaining (: